Saturday, November 1, 2008

A Show To Die For


Since last year we had ONE trick-or-treater, we decided there was not much point in staying home in hopes of a big turn-out. So this year, we took a family member to the FSU circus' Halloween performance. It was a good choice. We have been to the annual spring show a number of times before, but I think this may have been their first Halloween show.

We were greeted by the stilt walker and a bunch of zombies.


The Zombies hung around the whole time and never got out of character.

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I say they never left character, but they sort of did, when they opened the show with a energetic rendition of Thriller, of Michael Jackson fame. I'm not sure real, live zombies dance like that. ;^)

Check out the ghost on the wire support. I did not notice it until I saw the pictures. I never saw it last night.


Our Mistress of Ceremonies was Morticia, of Adams Family fame. Her lines were full of puns.


The ghost shows up in the robotic jugglers picture.


The high trapeze team's skeleton outfits were very effective and their routine was impressive.

100_4881 The final curtain call:


As fun as the performance was the people watching. There were lots of costumes. This pair was great!


What a great show!

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