Thursday, October 30, 2008


Just a few more mostly unrelated thoughts from last Sunday's trip to St. Mark's Wildlife Refuge.

It was a beautiful day: cool, clear and windy. This is one of our favorite stops. A dike runs from the road between wet areas and down to the spill-dam at the East River.


At the spill-dam, we stopped and watched two adult bald eagles, who were also out enjoying the afternoon. With my camera, they are almost impossible to photograph. So after a few bad shots, I photographed the watchers instead.


At the end of the road is the lighthouse at the Gulf. The tide was still coming in and there was plenty of beach for that spot. While that is not a great deal, sometimes there is none.


The butterflies were most numerous along the dike down here.


Also down there, we found the salt-tolerant prickly pear in full fruit.


B and son tasted one and found it ripe and very juicy with lots of seeds, reminding them of pomegranate.

Every trip is an adventure: never two the same.

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