Sunday, November 2, 2008

Mule Day 2008

It had been several years since we had been to Mule Day in the small village of Calvary, Georgia, just over the state line from here. It takes us a full hour to drive from our end of the county, but it can be a pleasant one if you take the back roads---and, of course, we did.


Fall is beginning to show itself.


We arrived in time for the parade, which was noticeably larger than before. There were the expected mules--- and more.


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As well as the unexpected! ---Holy cow!!


Calvary claims 200 souls, according to our newspaper, but on Mule Day, there have been 100,000 folks to flood the town for the festival. There was talk that the record may have been broken this year. There was definitely a crowd.

People-watching when the crowds thin some, is interesting. Here are a few of the folks who caught my eye.

This guy was hawking vegetable processors. Yup, that's a cabbage leaf on his head!


These guys were wearing the hat of choice that sports mule ears. And I believe red plaid shirts may be part of the uniform.



For the younger set, we  saw a cute mule stick-horse. I guess that makes it a stick-mule.


We are glad we went and that should do us for a few years.

And for the record, we did not eat any alligator on a stick or funnel cakes!

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