Tuesday, November 4, 2014

McGuire's Million

More than once, my brother-in-law has mentioned that sometime we must eat at McGuire's in Pensacola. Now B and I had not been to Pensacola since before Katrina went through, but last weekend I needed badly to just get away and regain a little sanity. To say that school is hard this year is a grave understatement.

So Saturday morning, we got my car serviced, voted "early" and headed out on I-10. It was noon (their time) when we arrived in Pensacola and we headed straight to the restaurant.

What a fun place and the food was yummy. We were glad we decided to split a hamburger when we saw what a 3/4 pounder looks like! We could barely finish that and took the delicious bread for a snack later. It is a microbrewery and they make their own root beer, as well.  I tried the root beer and  it was good.

But about the million:
The story goes that co-owner Molly McGuire took her very first tip, a dollar bill and tacked it up behind the bar for good luck. Friends and supporters began to put up a dollar, also. Now, the entire ceiling of the entire restaurant is covered with dollar bills, most signed by the person who put it up with a staple gun that the restaurant provides upon request.

When B asked our server about the validity of the sign below, she said that the bills now come to closer to 1.5 million. 

I was amused to hear people talking about when they dust the money. Apparently, it gets dusty hanging up there and, every so often, they have to dust the money. It is not a favorite chore of the employees. I guess that is different from money laundering?

Thanks, Tom, for the recommendation!

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