Saturday, March 2, 2013

Washington Oaks State Gardens: This Is a Florida Beach?

The last time we visited our son and his family in St. Augustine, they took us to Washington Oaks State Gardens.  Little did we undertand that on the Atlantic side of the park, we were in for quite a surprise. Large outcroppings of coquina rock create a unique stretch of Florida shoreline.

 The water and wave action sculpts the stone into fascinating forms. The surface is pocketed with large round holes.

This is where I photographed the valentine rock.

And one that B declared was a fossilized track of Skunk-Ape, Florida's version of Bigfoot.

Large slabs of rock could be seen in the surf, as well. This one was home to a lovely colony of pink barnacles.

As we walked, B found two fossilized sharks' teeth, mixed in with tiny shells.
It was a fun place to explore and one I hope to return to another time.

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