Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Nina and the Pinta, Sans the Santa Maria

Two replicas of Columbus' ships were in the marina at Carrabelle for a week. We took a drive down on the only Sunday that they were there. Tickets were available to board, but that did not really interest us.

I liked the rope bumpers.

B informed me that they are officially called fenders.

Here are a few more glimpses of these ships.

The  poor original Santa Maria ran aground in the Caribbean, and was dismantled and made into the first Spanish fort in the New World in what would become Haiti. Supposedly, the Nina was Columbus' favorite and when he made his second voyage to the New World, he selected the Nina as his personal flotation device.

Of interest, one of these two ships also ran aground off St. George Island on its way into Carrabelle, but the crew was able to free it. Rather embarrassing, I would think.

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