Thursday, January 31, 2013


Just on a gamble, I drove by to see if possibly the pair of whooping cranes that wintered in Southwood had returned: They HAVE!!

I took a few (dozen!) shots of them in the pond at a great distance.

There was a pair of sandhill cranes with them. Sandhills are uncommon here. Whooping cranes are rare anywhere.

So after running my errands and on my way home, I decided to see if they were still there or if they had moved. They were not in the pond area, so I kept driving. When I saw a man with a tripod and a camera with a huge lens, I knew I had found them. This time they were much closer to the fence.

For sure, this was with my zoomiest lens. I was not close. Just closer.

Here is one sandhill crane and one whooping crane. I love the rusty spots on this sandhill. (They were not messing around. It just looks like it since there was a slight rise from the ditch where I stood.)

"Charlotte, I'm sick and tired of these people and their cameras. Here's what I think of all this attention!"

"Henry!!! You mooned them?! Honestly! What am I going to do with you?"

"What?      They were annoying."

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