Thursday, July 12, 2012

Kickapoo Country

The Kickapoo River in western Wisconsin has been called the crookedest river in the country. It winds for a length of 120 miles to go through a 70 mile valley before emptying into the Wisconsin that feeds the Mississippi. It is known for its paddling and fishing opportunities. We could agree on the crooked part as we bridged it 10 times in about the same number of miles of roadway. However, we saw no fish or fishermen or paddlers on the summer day when we visited. It did not seem in any hurry to get anywhere and the frappuccino color did not tempt us. There are supposed to be petroglyphs on some of the rock banks, as well as rock shelters and burial mounds but they were not where we were. Still, it is interesting country and we are glad to have driven through.

On the rock bank across was this wasp nest. I suppose it is a mud dauber nest. Ours are always orange from the iron in our soil. 

The mint parfait effect from the stone layers and the ferns was interesting.

This paddling bear caught our attention at the little outfitter/canoe rental business. The bear seemed to be bigger than the business.

Here are more samplings of the scenery.

The milkweeds were abundant....

As were the chicory flowers.

We stopped into the visitor's center at the Kickapoo Valley Reserve and found it about to close for the day, but the people were very friendly and very helpful.

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