Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Columbia's Urban Agriculture Program

Vegetable gardening in Columbia, Missouri  is fairly popular. These lots shown below are donated, rent free. Volunteer laborers work the plots, mostly as demonstration gardens. The food produced is divided among the workers and some is donated to public food programs. They also do outreach, helping new gardeners learn how to grow some of their own food.  

I found this Swiss chard so striking.

I like the bicycle wheel fence decor.

We dropped by two other garden sites and this one was very active when we were there. Fencing was being added to help keep out the numerous rabbits.

Got to love the bumper sticker on the truck in the lot, especially since there was compost on the bumper.

This little garden was on the UM campus and was used by the daycare there. They were growing the next generation of gardeners. Gotta start 'em young!

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