Sunday, June 17, 2012

A Labor of Love

I was asked a while back if I would acquire and arrange some flowers for  a luncheon honoring two retiring teachers at my school. The request was for two large arrangements and six pint Mason jars.

I was fortunate to be able to cut from the gardens around the school, having asked permission from the individual teachers who tend them. All of the hydrangea, yarrow, buddleia, dusty miller, artemisia, and fennel came free from school. So for a mere $25, I was able to fill in with Publix flowers and they turned out nicely.

I have an old soda bottle crate that is perfect for carrying the Mason jars. They looked so pretty tucked in and ready to go that morning.

1 comment:

  1. I finally had time to come to your blog and browse through. Those arrangements are gorgeous and how nice they came from the school.
