Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Celebrating the 1000th Post

So Sunday was the 1000th blog post on Our Nature. My how time flies when you are having fun! And this blog has been so much fun.

I celebrated by buying myself a new camera. I had been considering it for some time but was not sure what was right for me. I ended up with a Canon SX40 that is still a point-and-shoot but has a nicer zoom: 35x compared to my older one with 12x. It also has 12 megapixels compared to my older one with 7.1. And for the record, Sam's had the best price by far.

I am still learning how to use it but I have hopes that it will make for improved blog pictures as well as family and school portraits.


  1. S, Thank you so much for your blog! We moved to Mobile 2 years ago to open a Bikram Yoga studio and one of our teachers, Lea, met you and told me of your blog. I LOVE IT!!! I love your adventures, your information about the area and your wonderful enthusiasm about what you see every day. Please keep up the good work, the good words, and the good life!! Sending you and B good thoughts always!

  2. Thank you, both!
    Lucille, your kind words touch me more than you can know. Thank you, again!
