Sunday, March 18, 2012

Going For the Gold

On St. Patrick's Day, B and I went for the gold, while wearing green. Our clothes did not start out green, but mildew stains soon turned them that color.

It was way past time for some exterior spring cleaning: specifically, the vinyl siding on our house. The Florida climate encourages a particularly stubborn rust to grow on houses here. This rust is not impressed by pressure-washing. It is not impressed with cleaners that say "spray on and rinse off." This rust must be sprayed and then scrubbed hard with a firm brush. It is dirty and exhausting work, involving a high ladder.

We did one long, tall, windowless wall and it took most of 5 hours. Today after church, we did a small wall that was mostly windows. Piece, by piece, we will get it all done and we will once again live in a yellow house instead of a rusty one.

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