Sunday, January 8, 2012

Gleaning for Second Harvest

On Wednesday, the landowner for our community garden plot submitted an offer to Second Harvest: if volunteers would come harvest on Saturday, he would donate the greens in his garden to a program that sends food home in backpacks with elementary children in our community who qualify for free school lunches. We read about it in the newspaper on Friday and decided that that was something we could help with. Our friend also met us there to help.

The horses were curious about all the activity in their normally quiet neighborhood.

In Saturday morning's paper, it said that about two dozen people were expected to come out and help.

At one point, I counted 45 people working.

We pulled and cut turnips, mustard, and collards. Large black crates were filled, one after another, and then loaded onto the trailer pulled by the tractor. 

All the mustard greens in the crate below were grown in the plot tended by B's scout troop. Those were donated also.

When all was said and done, this large truck was almost full of loose greens. That's a LOT of greens.

It is a good idea and it felt worthwhile to support.

1 comment:

  1. We heard later that the official weight was over 3,000 pounds of greens that we helped harvest.
