Saturday, July 23, 2011

Our Great Adventure to Colorado

It all started last fall. Our younger son had been told that his  grant-funded job here in Florida was ending and he had managed to get a transfer to Ft. Collins, Colorado. He was to move in February. We figured that by his birthday in July, we would definitely be ready to see him and got plane tickets to go out. Wellllllll....... the job got refunded and he did not move. So last week, B and I went to Colorado and he celebrated his birthday in Gainesville!

So the next posts will be a picture narrative of our biggest trip ever.

We were guided in the planning by our sons and daughter-in-law, as well as a couple of others. For them we are thankful, as it was an amazing time.

It had been over 30 years since we had been there.  B and I had been to Colorado early in our marriage, but it was mostly spent driving out and back in our tiny, un-airconditioned Datsun B-210. You can imagine how comfortable that was.

We had a direct flight from Jacksonville that put us in the Denver airport around 8:30 in the morning. As soon as we got our luggage and rental car, we headed for a mall on the south side of town where we met two of my former kindergartners, who are now in high school. We had coffee in Borders with them and their mother before she had to be at work. We enjoyed a quick walk around; it was a lovely mall, with shops inside and out.

We had lunch in a place called Fat Burgers, nearby. It was fun and the small meal was just what we needed to get us on our way on the new time schedule.

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