Saturday, June 25, 2011

Columbus' Architectural Details

Coming from a relatively small town, I was very interested in the many details added to some of the buildings in downtown Columbus, Ohio. Here is a sampling.

This was a side entrance to city hall.

The entrance to the police station.

B noticed the vine on the wall---last year's skeleton as well as this year's green growth.

This is the post office.

Here is a detail of the eagles and lions on the corners. Gotham City?

This was a business.

There are a number of old theaters that have been restored and are in operation for both live and film shows.

Check out the ticket office.

We were not able to identify the building on the corner across from the capitol building, but it may have been a performance hall also. It was very ornate.

Here is the capitol.

We were surprised by the rotunda's lack of a dome.

I suggested that the topic was in the legislature and they couldn't make a decision and the session ran out and the taxpayers said, "No, thank you," to paying them overtime to come to consensus. And so to this day, there is no dome. At least, that's my take on it.

We liked the flowerbeds planted as flags.

Back to the architecture...

I just loved the ironwork around this mini-brewery/restaurant.

In this restaurant/brewery where we ate twice because it was good and just around the corner from our hotel, there were very large panels of stained glass. This one was behind the billiard tables. The building is on the Historic Registry.

Wedding pictures were in progress as we walked past this incredible arch.

There was certainly a lot to see on the streets of downtown Columbus.

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