Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Great Time at Grayton Beach

I have found that I enjoy planning a little get-away from time to time. As we are on a limited budget --very limited!---these may be camping trips, or in the winter, cabins. It give me something special to look forward to for weeks. Because I am a school teacher and must always consider that sub plans must be prepared and that while children will have instruction, it is not the same as me being there, I try to plan these trips around a three day weekend. Then when I take off one additional day, we have four days and three nights to go somewhere out of town. In October, I made reservations for a cabin in Grayton Beach State Park and this past weekend, we went.

It has been quite cold for the past couple of weeks. We have been in the 20’s and for almost a week, we hardly made it out of the 40’s for our high. It had warmed up when we got there into the 40’s and 50’s. Still, it was hardly “beach weather” but we did not let that deter us from having a great time. We joked about penguins and long-sleeve swimsuits. We pretty much had the beaches to ourselves.

100_3253In some places, these would be snow fences, but here they are used to hold drifting sand and to help remind people to stay off the dunes. B removed some fishing line and tackle that was tangled in the wood.


There are boardwalks from the parking areas over the high dunes.



The scenery was breath-taking---- and breath-giving, all at the same time. It was a break that I needed.

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