Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Congestion on the River

We took the canoe and kayak out to Wacissa on a recent Sunday morning. Here is B fishing downstream a bit in the old Grumman.


Here is the view upstream.

We have never seen so many folks on the river. An outfitter was running a kayak tour.



The water was quite clear. And clearly the invasive hydrilla was in its element.


This shows the sunlight shining down the limestone side of a deep spring hole. There were fish that do not show up in the picture.


Along the way, we enjoyed the usual water birds and turtles and a few gators. In this spot, I caught all three in one picture. (The turtle is behind the alligator, further down the log.)


Here is a better look at the alligator. It was wearing a bit of duckweed camouflage.


The cardinal flowers added a splash of dash to the splash.


The wild rice was attracting bees. The pollen was raining down in off-white dust and floating on the surface.


There is a request from Nestles to remove water from the Wacissa springs to transport for bottling. It does not seem that this can benefit anyone but Nestles. Surely, a bottleneck of kayaks is the only bottle neck that Wacissa needs.

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