Saturday, July 3, 2010

More Water Fun in North Carolina

Mills River, NC

Mills River has many great  spots for wading in the cool water on a hot day. It was a popular spot on the weekend and then sometimes we had it to ourselves.


It is also suitable for a little tubing.



We visited Looking Glass Falls.


We hiked at Graveyard Fields Falls.

100_1607 100_1619We went to Hooker Falls.

Hooker Falls

And Triple Falls

Triple Falls

One of the highlights of the week was a water squirter showdown: Scouts vs leaders, with a little sibling rivalry thrown in. These were just big siphons from the Dollar Tree, but it proved to be a lot of good, “clean” fun.


100_1667 By far the most fun for the Scouts was the morning at Sliding Rock. This is a local swimming hole with a built-in slide of sheer rock slab. We got there before anyone else.

Sliding RockYou walk up the side by the rail. We joked that the table rock at the bottom was to stop you. Actually, the water was probably 4-7 feet deep in the hole.

100_1677 Even with the air temperature at 66 when we arrived, folks arrived steadily to enjoy the water that the ranger said was in the 40’s that morning. Our guys were wet for over an hour.



I was able to photograph and videotape each of them.

It was a blast!


  1. I did not slide. Our youngest leader joined the boys in sliding. I photographed and videotaped.
