Sunday, July 18, 2010

Mid-July Monsoon

On Wednesday, we had two storm systems meet over Leon County and the result was rather spectacular. Lightning was frequent and once there was a strike so close that I looked out to see if any of our tall trees were burning. Our lights flickered, but we never lost power. Residents in town were not so fortunate.

In just over one hour, we had 3.9 inches of rain in the gauge at our house.

This 3 gallon bucket that we use to collect vegetables in our garden was sitting under tree cover and still had 6 inches of rainwater in it.



During the storm, the water continued to shoot off the roof like someone had a firehose up there. We know we have some drainage issues by our front entrance and as the water rose, covering the small front porch, I was a little nervous that we might have it come in under the door. It never happened.

This was taken from the front door.


We were hoping that the goldfish would not go exploring as the pond level rose.


Two years ago when Tropical Storm Faye dumped 22 inches of rain on us in two days, B was able to hook up temporary drain lines to direct the water away from the house. With the constant lightning, this was not an option this time. Guess one day we are just going to need to grab some shovels and tear up the yard and install a better system.

For now, I am very thankful.

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