Friday, July 16, 2010

How Firm a Foundation

I borrowed the title of this blog from the name of a very old hymn I have sung since I learned to read early in my life.

However, the topic here is not spiritual, but structural. We had some trees that had become rooted much too close to the foundation of our house. (We have all seen the damage that roots can do to concrete.) Some of these, I think, were originally in pots and grew through. Others were bird-sewn. When younger D was home last weekend, I asked if he would help his dad take down the biggest, a redbud. 100_1946

They set to work on it and, in no time, it was down.


How many parents can say that all of their children have been to chainsaw school? (Both of our sons have!)

100_1959 100_1949






B has since cut down the crape myrtle and moved the swamp chestnut oak that he grew from an acorn. They can be seen in pictures above as the trees closest to the heat pump.

Here’s the dark heart of the matter:

100_1955 Now even the stump is gone.

I’m sleeping a little better. Thanks, guys!

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