This is the walk from the parking lot at the Okefenokee Park.
Yes, it was alive.
We later saw it swimming.
Our boat guide, pointed out this alligator nest that is no longer in use.
Our train ride took us past a mama gator and a few babies. If you look carefully into this fuzzy picture taken while the train was moving, you can see one baby in the tannic water and one in the upper left nose toward the water.
Here are a few more mature ones.
This big boy was hanging out with some friends in a large pen.(Most were not in pens.)
I took his picture and then….
I swear, he waved--- without even opening one eye!
B had remarked on the hand rails on the gator dock.
You will notice the lack of such on the human boardwalk.
Hmmmmm….. Is it all part of a devious plot to feed hungry gators?
There is such a dino beauty in them.