Wednesday, March 17, 2010

‘Tis the Season To Be Irish

On Saturday we went to the Tallahassee Irish Festival and Parade. Tallahassee has been a little slow in getting on the St. Patrick’s Day bandwagon and so this is what I called a baby festival. It will grow, though, I think.

The music was provided by this local band, with a unique style that was fun and refreshing. I have never heard a rock band with a bagpipe.


It was a breezy---no, WINDY!----day. Looking at this picture now and noticing the flair of the sound guy’s kilt, I may have just missed a shot that might have been a tad more interesting had I aimed the camera just a little lower.

Oh, well.

There was a lively group of Irish step dancers performing.



And then there was the parade.



The spectators were sometimes spectacles themselves.

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There was even an Irish Setter.


And there were Irish Wolfhounds.



I was not really familiar with these large dogs. They were originally used to hunt wolves that attacked sheep herds. These were both females;  the males grow one third larger and weigh 130-160 pounds. These were very gentle dogs.

The festival was worth going out for and nice that it was all free, except for the $5 glasses of beer and other food, which we passed on. I hope the celebration will grow.


  1. A. The band wasn't Enter The Haggis, was it?
    B. Is the use of dogs to hunt wolves a form of fratricide? Lupicide by fratricide?

  2. A. They are called Scots on the Rock. They are local.
    B. Uh, maybe!

  3. The Wolf hounds are impressive.
    Good that they are even tempered.
