Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Forty-nine States Had Snow On Friday

It was reported that forty-nine states had snow on Friday and we got to see our fair share on a trip we had booked weeks ago.  We left Tallahassee on Friday morning around 7:30 to begin our little adventure to Bagby State Park in western central Georgia. It was pouring rain but somewhere close to Blakely, Georgia north of Bainbridge, the rain started to get quieter. It was a snow mix, and then, it was just snow. We ended up being in falling snow for 10 hours.

Here is the beginning when the hay bales looked like frosted shredded wheat.


These pines don’t see much of this in their lifetime.


100_9992It continued snowing, covering the fields but still melting on the roads.


The snowflakes were huge.


The yard of our lake-side cabin was already fairly well covered with snow when we arrived later that morning and unloading the car was…. interesting.


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