Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Few Interesting Trees in the Red Hills

We took a two and half hour hike with friends Saturday down trails in a local greenway that is in the outskirts of Tallahassee. This sign shows that both Red Oaks and red clay are found in the Red Hills region.


It was interesting and the scenery varied some as we wound through the woods alongside a road, but mostly not within hearing distance of the cars on it. We crossed a little stream a couple of times and could see where the water had raced on Thursday when we had almost 5 inches of rain in one day.

There were a number of trees that had fused together as they grew, creating interesting forms and holes.



The resurrection ferns were happy after the rain.


Look how the bark had slipped off in one huge piece and just stood there, supported by briar vines.


This pine tree had grown in a knot.


A walk in the woods is never boring.

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