Saturday, June 13, 2009

Frog Rescue System


This is our little goldfish pond that is just by our front door. As we sit at the table in the kitchen, we can observe it and our bird bath and bird feeder and hummingbird feeder, as well as, the butterfly garden. It keeps us entertained. B enjoys feeding his “girls,” the goldfish. We get visitors at the pond: crayfish, squirrels, the occasional snake and, of course, frogs and toads. Recently, B had to rescue a toad that was stuck in the pond. We have found drowned ones before. B determined to try to solve the problem with a floating stick. Well, today, I discovered the system works.



So glad to know another one didn’t croak!

This appears to be a River Frog which can grow to be five inches. My frog guide states that they have foul-smelling, toxic secretions that serve to protect them and caution should be used when handling them. In which case, you might possibly be the one croaking.

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