Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother’s Day Paddle

Late Saturday afternoon we headed down to Wacissa with two tasks in mind: to collect some freshwater specimens to put in an aquarium in my kindergarten class, and give me a chance to improve my kayak skills while B fished on the bank. Well, we only drove through the parking lot and kept on going. It was wall-to-wall locals, in party mode. Not our scene.

So we agreed to go back early Sunday morning when we were certain it would be calmer. When we arrived at about 7:30, there were only 2 empty boat trailers in the lot. We had it to ourselves. B had surprised me by loading the old Grumman and showed that he was more than able to manage the big canoe by himself, even when the wind picked up.


As you can see, it was foggy and the fog hung around until we left three hours later. So it stayed cool and comfortable, with or without the breeze. it was some of the most pleasant, peaceful time I have had lately.

B enjoyed fishing. I am happy to report that I was MUCH improved in my kayak skills over the first time I took it out the weekend before.

I was glad my binoculars are waterproof. No, I didn’t tip, but I didn’t stay dry either. One day I will figure out how to keep my camera dry and take it along.

Before we left, folks were starting to arrive. We were able to net some tiny fish and freshwater shrimp and snails before we left so we had accomplished our tasks.

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