Saturday, April 4, 2009

Crispy to Green

A couple of weeks ago, we made a Sunday afternoon run down to the lighthouse. The smell of smoke was still lingering from the prescribed burns. This one might have gotten a little hotter than they were planning. We were not expecting such tall pines to be so singed.

The needles were still dropping, creating a lovely clean rusty carpet.

But the frondless palms were rather sad looking.

This week, we made another quick run down when there was a break in the monsoons that have characterized our spring break thus far.

Look how in just two weeks, the rebirth as begun.

Palmettos are greening, though the outside of each fan was still tan-colored.


We were interested to see the curly growth pattern of many of the palmettos.


The bracken ferns were up.


Grass, possibly cogon grass, is seen in the background.


The rain lilies were happy as can be.


And even the sad-looking palms had new fronds.

100_6560 The fuel has been reduced and the forest is reviving itself. Looks like a successful burn.

1 comment:

  1. The rebirth of the forest is a wonder to watch. Very good photos.
