Saturday, March 7, 2009

Truly WILD Flowers

The other special exhibit at the Atlanta Botanical Garden was an amazing display of orchids. Truly, I am not a big orchid (or even small orchid) person. But even I had to be impressed with the sheer numbers and varieties of orchids to be seen. This was one tiny part of it,

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But the regular plant displays were not even close to ordinary. It was hard to believe this flower had not been dyed.

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I have never seen any flower close to these colors.

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The exhibit of carnivorous plants was particularly interesting. These entice bugs into their cups and trap them there until they can digest them.

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They have a large collection of pitcher plants.

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Below you can see one of the large greenhouses in the background. There are big, old trees growing in there and it is all beautifully landscaped.

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We will definitely be going back!

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