Thursday, January 29, 2009

The China Cabinet

It is sad when you have been married over 30 years and still have some of your wedding gifts stored in boxes. Like many young couples we were given crystal and china, but have always lived in small houses or apartments. We still live in a small house, but with the empty nest, we now have more flexibility in arrangement. About a year ago, we began shopping in earnest for a china cabinet in which to store and display some of our pieces. For my birthday, last spring, my mother gave me money to buy the china cabinet she knew we were looking for.

I love the open hutch look, but was determined to not be spending time dusting these items, so glass was the option we looked for. Our decorating style could be called eclectic---read "no two items came from the same place and most of it is used but it 'works'." That meant that a variety of pieces could be considered.

We looked at new ones and were not really impressed. They were pricy and fake wood or thin veneers. We also looked at antiques. Some were so primitive, they were missing boards. I kept thinking I would know it when I saw it. We got real close on that little trip up to Bainbridge when we went to Lake Seminole. We found a nice pine one, but it had a large knot on the front and I thought it might drive me crazy.

Last weekend we went to a little furniture consignment shop here in town for the first time. Well, actually we didn't. It was closed Saturday morning until ten. But later, we came back right as they were closing at four and found IT.  We bought it and agreed to return on Tuesday with our truck to bring it home. (They are closed on Sunday and we had commitments for the hours they were open on Monday.)

Thankfully, our friend came out to help unload it. It is solid wood, along with mirror and glass. It is clean and looks new. The price was amazingly good. We could have bought 3 or 4 of this one for the price of some we looked at.





Now, finally, the "good stuff" can be readily available to use. And I do believe in using things and not just saving them for.....for what?  ....the next generation?  They may not have the same taste as we do. They may not even want it. It is much better for the original owners to go ahead and enjoy it, as the wedding gift givers intended. And now it is easily accessible.


  1. That's a beautiful piece of furniture. I love that style and finish! Congratulations!
