Friday, December 12, 2008

You're Guana Love It!

The gap in posts just reflects that 'tis the season life gets crazy. Our life is no exception, but in keeping with my effort of moderation, some activities have to be more flexible in order to maintain sanity.

Last weekend we spent time with our son and daughter-by-marriage in St. Augustine and there-abouts. On Sunday we had a nice little visit out to Guana State Park and Wildlife Management Area. This son had spent quite a bit of time working out there before he started grad school but we had never been there. It is closer to Ponte Vedra than not.

We especially enjoyed the education center. It is a beautiful facility. I was particularly interested in a wonderful mural frieze in the hallway. Someone had depicted different ecosystems in Florida. 100_5598

Coincidentally, my school did the same thing in our media center a few years ago, with the children doing most of the research, art planning and work. It was a huge project and a very satisfying one.

The ceiling in the main display hall had all kinds of large models of Florida sea creatures. This is a right whale and calf. It was probably a life-size model.





Here (below) is part of a large ray. These were all so large it was hard to get all of anything in one picture.



This place is definitely worth a look.

Before lunch, we took a short hike in woods that remind us of Cumberland Island.

We came upon  two armadillos that were going about their business of grub-huntin as though we did not exist.


It was a fun place!

1 comment:

  1. My daughter would love to go there! She's crazy about sea life.
