Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Kolomoki Cookin'

If you are cooking with guys, you can pretty well assume that at some point there is going to be fire involved.


Just because I tagged along on the camping trip and was the only female in the lot, do not start thinking that I cooked, because I did not. The guys did it all. I made a few contributions, such as gathering of foods for the table and buttering about 26 pieces of bread for toast but that was about it. Oh, and I stirred the chili once! The adult leaders and the scouts did all the rest of the cooking.

We had a fabulous breakfast on Saturday of 16 scrambled eggs, 2 packages of bacon, 2 pots of coffee, OJ, and grilled toast with jelly. There was nothing left over but OJ.



For lunch they cooked hamburgers and hot dogs. Shortly thereafter, supper was begun: a large dutch oven full of Billy's chili. It simmered the rest of the afternoon over the campfire. Don't even consider that this was a Hormel product; this was the real deal.


One of our younger leaders is a blacksmith and made the iron rack and s-hooks that hold the pot. It is important to adjust the height of the pot above the coals to achieve the correct temperature to simmer the chili without scorching it.

Keep stirring!


Almost done!


And gone! It didn't stick!


B has perfected the baking of cobbler in a dutch oven with coals over and on top of the pot. On this occasion, it was peach cobbler.


He used canned sliced peaches and Jiffy yellow cake mix for the top. This was the first time he had used parchment paper to line the dutch oven. It made for easy cleanup. This pot was empty quite quickly, too.


B and the co-leaders have done a very good job of working with their scouts to ensure that they will never go hungry for lack of skills.


  1. Great post and great pics! T-123 has always done a great job cooking on camp outs.

  2. I always enjoyed camp cooking with dad when I was younger. Glad it was a success!
