Sunday, October 12, 2008

Kolomoki Camping

On Friday night, we loaded up the truck and took B's boy scout troop camping up at Kolomoki Mounds State Park near Blakely, Georgia.


We had a great weekend. There were nine of us, and as an unofficial member of the troop, I was honored to be asked to tag along.

There is one very large Indian mound there and several smaller ones. These were all constructed one basket of soil at a time. This was the equivalent of many, many dump trucks of clay; it is hard to imagine it done the other way.


There are steep steps to the top of the large one.


I do believe that is the dreaded cogon grass that has taken over the sides, along with passion vine.

The scouts had fun running out to a smaller mound.



This field was absolutely teaming with thousands of grasshoppers. They swarmed up as we walked. B caught one:


There is a nice little museum there and it is actually built into a small mound so that you can see the archaeological site and what they found when it was excavated. There is a short movie that helps to explain about the mounds and mound-makers.


B and I have been there many times through the years but for some, this was the first time. We all found it interesting to gain more insight into the ancient history of the area.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a nice weekend!

    I believe "Kold Monkey" still remains as one of the coldest T-123 camp outs I've been on.
