Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fay's Hangover

It is the morning after. There are still a few bands of rain yet to arrive but at this time, we are holding at 20.75 inches of rain. We made a quick run to town this morning and found most roads we needed were open. We saw many trees and more large limbs had succumbed to the storm.  We also saw lots of water in both places it was supposed to be and plenty of places where it has never been seen before. We came back the route that I take to school each day. My lens fogged on the first picture. Here is some of the water along and in Buck Lake Road:


Water was flowing backwards from its usual Cross Creek flow.


This little creek (recently a dry ditch) on Chaires Cross Road usually flows toward the St. Marks River. Today it was going in the opposite direction towards Lake Lafayette.


It was all out in the woods but moving fast.


This swamp on Old St. Augustine Road has been dry for months now but it, too, was full and muddy today.


This was a sad sight near our neighborhood.


These three trees blew down just a block from us. As I said, we saw a lot of trees and limbs down this morning, but none that we saw had damaged homes or other buildings. There were some fences that  were damaged but otherwise it looked like the trees had fallen just right. We saw only one home--a mobile home-- that looked like it might have water in it.



We didn't lose any trees and only one large limb --and it was dead-- so we feel very blessed.

1 comment:

  1. As Fay backed up on north Florida, we got another 1.3 inches of rain, bringing our storm total to 21.3 inches, Friday-Tuesday.
