Monday, June 2, 2008


Well, it is officially summertime.

(Cue the Gershwin Porgy and Bess song)

I know that the equinox is not for another few weeks, but the kids have had their last day of school and we teachers are (theoretically) out after tomorrow. But nothing says summer is here, like fireflies. We don't get them in great numbers like further north, but we get a few. This evening, I saw the first for this season in our yard. On Friday, I had seen one in the neighbor's yard. There is something so mesmerizing about them. Some years, we get them on the sliding door. I have always thought they are attracted to the "Num Lock" key light on this keyboard that sits across the room. Its yellow-green light is just about right.

Perhaps they are just there to remind us that summer is here. (Or could perhaps the message be: "Don'tcha know it's hot out here? Wanna share that AC?")

1 comment:

  1. I love fireflies. One of the best parts of childhood .
