Thursday, December 27, 2007

We're Cookin' Now!

What is the holiday season without lots of eating? The sons are home for Christmas and they introduced us to a couple of their recipes. One made "No Knead Bread" and the other made calzones.

Here are the calzones, in process.



The crust is the refrigerated pizza dough that Publix sells in their bakery. The filling was chopped ham, pepperoni, mozzarella cheese and Italian seasoning. He brushed olive oil on the crust before it was baked on the pizza stone.

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Awesome! They were served with warm (red) pasta sauce and they were delicious!

The second recipe for no-knead bread took all day. The recipe was found at:


They baked it in the grandparents' cast iron dutch oven in our oven.


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What fine cooks they have become!

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