Saturday, January 10, 2015

Great Egret

 This great egret patiently posed on a bridge rail for me to take a few shots as it considered the option of fishing in the creek below.

What a beauty!

Friday, January 9, 2015


These American avocets were wading around in one of the shallow pools at the lighthouse last week. They are such elegantly striking birds that they are hard to miss. They summer and nest in western states and into Canada, and fly to southern coasts for the winter. One interesting fact I read is that when they have finished mating, the pair entwine their necks and run together. One-day-old avocet chicks can swim, walk, and even dive to escape predators.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

BIG Bull Gator

B and I made a few runs to the lighthouse over the holidays. On Christmas Day, this huge bull gator was sunning on the bank very close to the road near the boat ramp.

If you click on the picture below, you can see the fine lines of cobwebs that criss-cross his head.  He had either been there for a while or that was some fast-working spider. Maybe it helps keep the sand gnats out of his eyes.

Cool tail, too.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Open House at the Lighthouse

Last Saturday was second time that B and I had been inside the lighthouse at St. Marks. It is only open on rare occasions. And truly it is not open to climb the tower, but only tour the keeper's cottage.
In this room below, you can see the base of the tower that is the entrance to the winding stairs. Signage relates some of the stories of the families who have lived here over the 100 plus years that it was occupied.

The lighthouse was constructed in 1842.  The 1867 Fresnel lens was removed by crane this past November and sent for cleaning and restoration. 

In its place stands a simple conifer.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Monday, January 5, 2015

Mailbox Monday: Homemade Jalopy

I simply love this one. Look at all the detail!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Six Deer on the Slope

We stopped to see these six deer on a slight hill. They were out enjoying the last bit of sunshine of the day. Sun has been hard to find in our end of the Sunshine State for the past couple of weeks.

Saturday, January 3, 2015